Pearson Jagoe Publishing is different from other publishing companies. First, we are a small company, not a large textbook company or another small company that sells a planner program. While our name is similar, we publish books of all types and genres.

At Pearson Jagoe, we take pride in the close personal relationships that we develop with each of our authors. We want your book to be successful, and we endeavor, with you, to make it so.

Other publishers that you pay for services, show you how to do it yourself or treat you as though you were just one more way to make money. We do the work that you pay us for. We do not make you do it.

We consider you to be part of our company family. We hope that once you choose to publish with us, you will return with other manuscripts for us to consider.

Another way that we are different, if we don’t think a manuscript is right for us, we won’t accept it. Other service publishers will accept anything that is sent to them.

Your success is our success! We look forward to becoming your partner in publishing your book.

If you think your manuscript might be something we would like, then please see our Submission Requirements.